




WFH Essentials

You'll love to take these home

There's more to renting

Finest-quality products
Quality matters to you, and us! That's why we do a strict quality-check for every product.
Free relocation
Changing your house or even your city? We'll relocate your rented products for free.
Free maintenance
Keeping your rented products in a spick and span condition is on us, so you can sit back and relax.
Cancel anytime
Pay only for the time you use the product and close your subscription without any hassle.
Easy return on delivery
If you don't like the product on delivery, you can return it right away—no questions asked.
Keep upgrading
Bored of the same product? Upgrade to try another, newer design and enjoy the change!
Over 1.5 lac happy subscribers

Here's what they have to say about their RentoMojo experience.